Thursday, September 30, 2010

My Munchkins Fall Photos

Not that they ever cooperate, plus im healing up from a broken collarbone and dislocated shoulder, so trying to get enough movement to shoot.  Her are my kids with me practicing on them.

Jordan Hare Stadium

Got a really neat shot at the auburn arkansas game.

Update of a consisten slacker

Ok, so I know its been a while. Sorry guys, I've been a slacker.  I have been dealing with alot of personal issus for a while now, and began slowing down on the photography, and trying to keep myself busy in every aspect. Changing it up now, getting back in the swing of things with lots of shoots scheduled.  not to mention i have my CS5 up and running! 

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Little Miss Ansley

Such a total sweetheart <3
She was a little cranky, turns out she was sick at the shoots but still got some adorable shots of her :)

My Neice & Nephew

Got to take some photos of my neice & nephew that are in from hawaii (brother's in the air force)

Britney Bonner - Senior 2010

Tiffany & Warren are engaged!

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